Tuesday, March 12, 2019

My Dream, My Future

      "Live your values, pursue your dreams, and follow your passions". This really implies the true ways we must do to have the best future life we could possibly have.

              Over my life time I would like to achieve many things but there are two main things I would like to accomplish; To have a decent job and to make my parents proud. I have ben exhilarating by my dteam from the day I knew why I came into the world to so far and even in the future, which is making me different from others. It is a goal, an aim, a direction for my life. It is not strange from outside but from inside. It is to be a successfut Pharmacist. With all the sacrifices and eschewes that my parents are exerting just to send me in school, I dont have any reasons not to give my bests all the time.

               I, together with my parents, have a simple means of living; but because of firm determination, strong faith in God, good values and virtues, I assure that we will have the bests of life  not because of the luxuries but because of the richness of love, compassion for people and passion for God. These are my dreams, my inspiration which i have to work on for the future.


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