Tuesday, March 12, 2019

A Year to Remember

   New set of uniform, new set of school supplies, and new classmates. Excitement is felt when I took my first step on Main Building Room 1, Grade 10 Marconi. As days pass by, I can only remember one thing, "this is my last year on being a junior high school student, so why not leave my jhs journey with some memorable moments with friends and close ones", that is all what I am thinking.

         Before you get caught up in the whirlwind of excitement and nervousness surrounding the big day, it’s good to take some time and reflect on the past four years of your life. After you walk across that stage in June, everything is going to change. Nothing will ever be the same… and that’s terrifying. A good reflection of high school ought to do you good. You’ll be reminded of how you got here, what you learned, and what experiences were most meaningful to you.  
         I am about to step on another part of my High School life, the Senior High School. But all of the memories we've shared together will remain on my mind and heart and will be with me throughout the journey of my life. 


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