Tuesday, March 12, 2019

A Year to Remember

   New set of uniform, new set of school supplies, and new classmates. Excitement is felt when I took my first step on Main Building Room 1, Grade 10 Marconi. As days pass by, I can only remember one thing, "this is my last year on being a junior high school student, so why not leave my jhs journey with some memorable moments with friends and close ones", that is all what I am thinking.

         Before you get caught up in the whirlwind of excitement and nervousness surrounding the big day, it’s good to take some time and reflect on the past four years of your life. After you walk across that stage in June, everything is going to change. Nothing will ever be the same… and that’s terrifying. A good reflection of high school ought to do you good. You’ll be reminded of how you got here, what you learned, and what experiences were most meaningful to you.  
         I am about to step on another part of my High School life, the Senior High School. But all of the memories we've shared together will remain on my mind and heart and will be with me throughout the journey of my life. 


My Dream, My Future

      "Live your values, pursue your dreams, and follow your passions". This really implies the true ways we must do to have the best future life we could possibly have.

              Over my life time I would like to achieve many things but there are two main things I would like to accomplish; To have a decent job and to make my parents proud. I have ben exhilarating by my dteam from the day I knew why I came into the world to so far and even in the future, which is making me different from others. It is a goal, an aim, a direction for my life. It is not strange from outside but from inside. It is to be a successfut Pharmacist. With all the sacrifices and eschewes that my parents are exerting just to send me in school, I dont have any reasons not to give my bests all the time.

               I, together with my parents, have a simple means of living; but because of firm determination, strong faith in God, good values and virtues, I assure that we will have the bests of life  not because of the luxuries but because of the richness of love, compassion for people and passion for God. These are my dreams, my inspiration which i have to work on for the future.


Wednesday, March 6, 2019

ISNHS 117th Foundation Day celebration

       Ilocos Sur National High School is celebrating their Foundation Day annually. It is the most awaited occasion in the whole school year. Different activities are done to celebrate Ilocos Sur National High School's Foundation Day.

         Ilocos Sur National High School students celebrated their 117th foundation day on March 1 and 2, 2019. Many activities were done including Coronation Rights, Parade, and Field Demonstration. Students are tasked to perform variety of dances in the Field Demonstration held at the Ilocos Sur National High School field on March 2, 2019. While Friday, March 1,2019 was the Coronation Rights for Mr. and Ms. ISNHS held at the Ilocos Sur National High school Centenial Gymnasium. Students enjoyed the 2-day activities because it is the biggest and grandest celebration of the school. In the recently concluded Field Demonstration, Both grade 8 girls and grade 8 boys have been awarded as the Best Performers.

         The program closes with acknowledgment of all the participants of the event and extending gratitude to the stakeholders of the school. Finally, everyone goes home saying goodbye to each other.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Kannawidan Ilocos Festival 2019

           Philippines is known for its beautiful culture and its way of saving these treasured culture is to held different festivals in differing town and cities to showcase its culture. Ilocos Sur annually celebrate Kannawidan Festival which is held at end of January.
          This years Kannawidan Festival showcased a lot of performances lead by the Governor, Hon. Ryan Luis Singson and company. Kannawidan Fedtival is letting every municipalities to join different contests and activities held during Kannawidan Festival. Each and every municipality are given chance to showcase their OTOP or 'One Town One Product'. This is a great way for the Ilocanoes to maintain their culture of showcasing different products of entire Ilocos Sur. Bantay was crowned as the Saniata ti Ilocos 2019. While Vigan was crowned as the Saniata ti agtutubo 2019. This year's Kannawidan Festival is trully memorable because of different artists coming in Vigan to have entertainment shows. The Provincial Government of Ilocos Sur even invited bands. 

           Kannawidan Festival is where Ilocanoes gather together and showcase what Ilocanoes have and ehat Ilocanoes can do. 

Change Starts With Me

  Changing the world begins with improving who we are on the inside. We each have a unique identity and our own distinct thoughts. These thoughts often propel us to act. So, by mindfully centering our thoughts in a positive direction, we can improve our actions and thus our character.

             I can improve the world by consciously looking around and thinking, at every opportunity. The positive impact I can make starts within myself; by becoming a truly giving person, I can change the world. While self-improvement may seem a passive process, it’s actually a challenge requiring daily practice. It involves continually controlling my thoughts and actions to determine the type of person I want to be.

              My mission to positively change the world begins with self-improvement and concludes with makingu kind acts an instinctive part of my daily life.



2018 Improved Me

      It should'nt be 'New year, new me', thus it should be 'New year, improved me'. Time flies so fast, its like 2018 arrived yesterday, and 2019 just arrived today. The year 2018 left me with so much improvements in life, and all I can do is to cherish them with all my heart.

              2018, a year where I think I improved myself. My weaknesses turned into strengths. 2018 taught me things I should'nt be doing im the following years. 2018 taught me to be stronger in times of ups and downs. I gained new knowledge and 2018 left me with so much unforgettable memories that I will cherish forever. I left all my negativities in life and started a positive life in 2019.

              Years will pass by but I know that those years will leave something for you to remember and cherish forever. Cheers for a new year!!
