Sunday, September 2, 2018

A wide Smile: A new Hope

       Related image   Resilience is the ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change. Philippines is known to be a Calamity prone country because of it's location, the Pacific ring of Fire, and the Philippines is located west of the Pacific Ocean where typhoons are often formed. We all know that Filipinos are resilient when it comes to these situations. But after the disaster, is it easy for the people to recover from the damages caused by disaster?

          In the year 2003, the Philippines experienced Typhoon Yolanda that caused more than 6000 deaths and left 35.5 Billion Pesos of damage. It isn't easy to recover from calamities like what happened on the victims of Yolanda because right after the calamity, financial support is needed to bring back the damaged goods. Filipinos are said to be resilient, each and everyone is encouraged to help and contribute for the recovery of the placed affected by the calamity. Smile is all what Filipinos have every time a disaster hit the country. Filipinos smile no matter what happens because people know that these smiles will bring new hope after a dark cloud. " bayanihan" can be seen in times of disasters, Fire, you can see people carrying pails and water just to stop the flame, Flood, people can be seen on roads wearing smiles while carrying their things going to the evacuation center. Filipinos are known for being resilient before, during and right after a calamity.Image result for resiliency of filipinos

          Filipinos are very proud of being resilient. Smile can be seen before, during and right afte a calamity because Filipinos know that these smile brings a new hope as they recover from the calamity. Filipinos believe that nothing can pull down their country, Philippines because of their smile even the toughest problems and the strongest winds. 


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