Friday, December 28, 2018

Equality: a way to equal opportunity

          Image result for EmploymentThe term equal opportunity refers to the absence of discrimination based on involuntary personal attributes, such as sex, racial or ethnic origin, definition principle non which emphasizes that opportunities in education, employment, advancement, benefits ans thus, equality simply spells out concept before law.

          The importance of equal employment. Equal employment practices are important for both individuals and organizations, Secondly, EEO practices help individuals feel they re being treated fairly and equally, which can increase an individual's level of commitment, satisfaction, and loyalty to their employer. We can promote equality on opportunities through treating all staffs and individuals fairly, creating an inclusive culture for ll individuals, ensuring equal access to opportunities to enable every individual to participate in the learning process, and enabling staffs and students to develop to their full potential.

         Promoting equality and diversity in the workplace is primarily concerned with preventing discrimination- whether this is active or passive. This is particularly important for adults in need who, because of a disability, illness, or their age, are unable to take adequate care of themselves and keep themselves from harm.


Monday, December 10, 2018

What is the True Essence of Christmas?

     Image result for essence of christmas    We give and receive gifts on Christmas but do we really know the true essence of Christmas? We all know that Christmas is the season of joy, peace, love and forgiveness. What does Christmas means to you? Is it really just exchanging of gifts? or is it the wide smile you receive with a joyful greeting? Christmas is the time where family gets together and bond with each other.

         The essence of Christmas is not gifts, is certainly not goodies. Not even the things that you do. Not the decoration that makes your house look good. The essence of Christmas lies in the name of almighty Lord above. For he has the power to change the World. The true essence of Christmas is spreading love not only on loved ones but also on every single person around you. Christmas for me is being with my family, eating together, bonding with each other and filling the house with joy and love. The essence of Christmas is not measured on how tall the Christmas tree is, on how bright the lanterns are, and on how many food were prepared. Thus, the essence of Christmas is found on wide smiles of family members. On how they celebrate even just in a simple way. The true essence of Christmas is having a complete family, a complete family that celebrates a memorable day with a lot of love and joy.
         May this Christmas bring you and your family joy, peace and happiness in your life and gladen your heart. may you realize the deepest value and essence of this festival. stay blessed and be a blessing for others. Merry Christmas to all.


Monday, December 3, 2018

"Isulong: tamang Pag-aaruga para sa Lahat ng Bata": National Children's Celebration 2018

    Image result for childrens month     National Children's Month is celebrated annually every month of November. This year's Children's Month theme is "ISULONG; TAMANG PAG-AARUGA PARA SA LAHAT NG BATA". Filipino children are recognized as valuable treasure of the country and the future.

         Jose Rizal once said, "Ang kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan", which means that children of today are expected to be the hope of tomorrow. That the youth of today will make a way to create a better world to live in. Children must be molded into responsible citizen that will take care of the world on the following generation. Children need proper care for the betterment of their future. They must be fed with information and lessons that will improve their knowledge and skills. Make time for the children to have proper education. Parents are known to be the first teachers of their child and home is their first school where good manners and right conduct were taught. being parents and their first teachers, they must be responsible in taking care of their children. Let us start calibrating ourselves to be the model for the betterment of the future.

         Children of today are the bright future of tomorrow. Value every single child because they will be the hope for the betterment of the world. let us all contribute for the betterment of the world in the future.