Tuesday, July 31, 2018

A Habit of Planting Means a Habit of Caring

     Image result for planting cartoon pictures       Prices of fruits and vegetables aren't reasonable, and how can people make sure the safety and cleanliness of the products? Agriculture is known to be one of the most significant economic activities. It involves the production of plants, livestock and other agriculture products. How can people provide safe, clean and cheap food for the people? this year's Nutrition Month theme, "Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin" decribes the best way to produce safe food products and gain nutrition.

           "Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin" is encouraging people to plant healthy crops and to eat healthy crops. "Ugaliing Magtanim", is not only about farmers putting effort just to feed people with healthy foods, but it also encourage people to plant even on their backyards, it would be a great help not only for the family but also for the farmers. farmers want us to grow strong and fit by planting and supplying us food to eat. farmers are expecting that people will consume their crops right. People must practice planting at home, vegetables and fruit that can be source of nutrients. "Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin" means the significance of planting such crops. We can get nutrients from the crops we've planted because we can make sure that the plants we'll be eating is clean and safe to digest. By means of planting vegetables and fruits, the aim is to improve the healthy food consumption of the people. The theme states that we need to practice planting for our own good. It can also be a source of income by selling fresh, clean and healthy foods.

            In general, "Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrisyon aanihin" focuses on the food production through planting and consuming foods right. it is concerned on the proper nutrients gained by people through the use of home gardening.

Photo Credits: https://www.google.com.ph/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj35rGkl8vcAhXSa94KHfScBmYQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Deg21PmZL1Ao&psig=AOvVaw32b25xLLttfnbEQVYhw3Q1&ust=1533189678020982

Monday, July 23, 2018

Letter to the President

Hon. President Rodrigo Roa Duterte
Office of the President
MalacaƱang Palace
J.P Laurel St., San Miguel, Manila, Philippines

Dear Mr. President,

         I know that being a President of the Republic of the Philippines is both an honor and responsibility. It is known to be the most challenging role in the country. We all know that many conflicts and problems are being faced by our country nowadays, and we all know that you have the power and courage to end these conflicts. I, as a concerned citizen of our country, what i am expecting on you since you've been the president of the Philippines is that you can or you will end the conflicts the Philippines is encountering right now. As you promised, you'll end the use of Drugs in our country, but why is that there are still news going viral everyday about Drugs. When will you end these issues about deaths? Shooting incidents, war on drugs, and even accidents, why are these happening in our country? What I am hoping on your last few years of term is that you'll promote some programs that are concerned with these problems. Vehicular accidents are timely in our province, Ilocos Sur because of reckless driving. I hope that you, as a president and has the power to end these conflicts, I expect that at the end of your term, Philippines will be a drug-free country, the Philippines will be more- ptoductive and the Philippines will be an accident-free country. With your words and cooperation of the Filipinos, the Philippines will surely be a progressive country of the future. May you continue your good work and I wish you luck on your remaining years of service for our country. Godbless Mr. President.

                                                                                                               Sincerely Yours,
                                                                                                              Jace Ivan Tolentino

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Why Do We Celebrate Independence Day?

Resulta ng larawan para sa ph independence day celebration

 Why Do We Celebrate Independence Day?

          Independence Day, one of the most significant dates in the Philippines' history. Filipinos celebrate Independence Day annually on June 12 because it marks the nation's independence from the spanish rule. The Philippine Flag was raised and its national anthem was first played for the first time in 1898. But do we really own this Archipelago called Philippines? Do we need to celebrate Independence Day?

          A giant flag of the Philippines was raised for the first time and together with the playing of the Philippines' national anthem entitled "Lupang Hinirang" in 1898. In 1962, President Diosdado Macapagal issued Proclamation No. 28 moving the Celebration of Independence day to June 12. We celebrate Independence Day annually to commemorate the people behind the freedom of the Philippines, celebrating the Independence of the Philippines from the colonization of Spain. We need to celebrate Independence Day to give or show deep gratitude or to recognize the people beyond the freedom of the Philippines. We must show our deep gratitude to those heroes who brought freedom to the Philippines.

          Independence day simply explains on each of the Filipinos that a freedom for our country must be saved from the arms of whoever tried to colonized the Philippines. Commemorating heroes by celebrating Independence Day reminds the achievement and freedom brought to the Philippines.

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